Get the knowledge of 20 Fruits Name in English and Hindi with picture and descriptions. Twenty ( 20 ) Fruits Name with Picture.
Fruits are very important food for us. Nature has given us a variety of fruits. The fruit is well liked due to its taste and nutritious elements.
In this issue of today, we will know the names of 20 important fruits in English and Hindi. In addition, we will also discuss some important things about these fruits.
So let’s start.
20 Fruits Name Audio
1. APPLE : Seb ( सेब )
2. APRICOT : Khubani (खुबानी )
3. BANANA : Kela ( केला )
4. JAVA PLUM / BLACK BERRY / JAMBOLAN : Jamun ( जामुन )
5. CHERRY : Cherry (चेरी )
6. COCONUT : Nariyal ( नारियल )
7. CUSTARD APPLE : Sharifa ( शरीफा )
8. DATE : Khajoor ( खजूर )
9. FIG : Anjeer ( अंजीर )
10. GRAPES : Angoor ( अंगूर )
11. GUAVA : Amarood (अमरुद )
13. JACK FRUIT : Katahal (कटहल )
14. KIWI FRUIT : Kiwi (कीवी )
15. LYCHEE / LITCHI : Litchi / Lichi (लीची)
16. MANGO : Aam ( आम )
17. ORANGE : Santara ( संतरा )
18. PINEAPPLE : Ananas ( अनानास )
19. STRAWBERRY : Strawberry ( स्ट्रॉबेरी )
20. WATERMELON : Tarbooj ( तरबूज )
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Ten ( 10 )Fruits Name in Hindi and English with Their Scientific Name
Fruits Name in Hindi and English (104) with Image, PDF, VIDEO, AUDIO
All The Fruits Name with Picture, A to Z Fruits Names
Descriptions of Fruits
1. Apple
Hindi Name : Seb ( सेब )
Scientific Name : Malus domestica
Mango is a very tasty and nutritious fruit. Many types of it are grown in many countries. Its consumption is very beneficial for our health.
Mango has the highest yield in India.
Consumption of mango provides energy to our body. Our body gets about 60 kcal of energy in 100 grams of mango. Apart from this, vitamin A is also found in abundance in it. Which is very beneficial for our eyes.
Apart from this, many other beneficial nutritious ingredients are found in mangoes, which are beneficial for our body.
Know more about Mango from Wikipedia.
2. Apricots
Hindi Name : Khubani ( खुबानी )
Scientific Name : Prunus armeniaca
Apricot is a very nutritious fruit. Its consumption proves very beneficial for our body. It is consumed as a fruit and also as a dried fruit.
Apricots are a good source of energy, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Know more about Apricot from Wikipedia.
3. Banana
Hindi Name : Kela ( केला )
Scientific Name : Musa acuminata
Banana is also considered a very nutritious and delicious fruit. Different species of banana are grown in many countries of the world. India is the largest producer of bananas.
Banana intake provides instant energy to our body. Its consumption is also very beneficial for the players.
Consumption of 100 grams of banana gives us 89 kcal of energy.
Apart from this, there are many vitamins and minerals found in bananas, which are very beneficial for our body.
4. Java Plum / Black Plum / Jambolan
Hindi Name : Jamun ( जामुन )
Scientific Name : Syzygium cumini
Jambolan are considered a very beneficial fruit. Its consumption is very beneficial for our body. A good amount of vitamin C is found in it, which acts as an immunity booster of our body.
Apart from this, carbohydrate and mineral are also found in it. Consumption of Jambolan is beneficial for the health of our body.
5. Cherry
Hindi Name : Cherry ( चेरी )
Scientific Name : Prunus avium
Cherry is a very popular fruit. Cherry is very popular among people due to its taste, color and nutritious elements.
Different types of cherries are cultivated in many countries.
Cherry contains vitamin A which is very beneficial for the health of our eyes.
Apart from this, many types of vitamins and minerals are also found in cherries, which are very beneficial for us.
6. Coconut
Hindi Name : Nariyal ( नारियल )
Scientific Name : Cocos nucifera
Coconut is considered a very healthy fruit. The body gets energy immediately after consuming it.
Consumption of 100 grams of coconut gives about 354 kcal of energy.
Coconut is also a good source of carbohydrate.
Coconut is also a good source of protein. Almost all types of protien are found in coconut. Its consumption is very beneficial for our body. The malnourished should consume it.
In India, coconut is considered a sacred fruit. This fruit has a lot of religious significance in India.
7. Custard Apple
Hindi Name : Sharifa ( शरीफा )
Scientific Name : Annona reticulata
Custard Apple is considered a very nutritious and healthy fruit. Many varieties of it are found. It is known for its taste and aroma.
8. Dates
Hindi Name : Khajoor ( खजूर )
Scientific Name : Phoenix dactylifera
Many varieties of dates are grown in many countries of the world. Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Algeria etc. are the leading countries in dates production.
Date is a very nutritious, delicious and very nutritious fruit for the body.
It provides energy to our body immediately. Its consumption is very beneficial in fasting. We get about 282 kcal of energy by consuming 100 grams of dates.
Apart from this, date is a very good source of carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. Especially the amount of potassium in it helps to fulfill our body’s needs.
9. Fig
Hindi Name : Anjeer ( अंजीर )
Scientific Name : Ficus carica
Fig is also a very useful fruit for health. Many nutritious ingredients are found in it. Which are very beneficial for our health.
Fig is also very famous as a dry fruits.
10. Grapes
Hindi Name : Angoor ( अंगूर )
Scientific Name : Vitis amurensis
Many varieties of grapes are grown in many countries. Grape is a very tasty and nutritious fruit. It is very much liked. It is also used in its dry form, as dry fruits.
Grape is a good source of carbohydrate, vitamins, especially vitamin c and mineral. A good amount of vitamin C is found in it. A good amount of calcium and phosphorus are also found in it. Which is very beneficial for our health.
11. Guava
Hindi Name : Amrood ( अमरुद )
Scientific Name : Psidium guajava
Guava is a very tasty and nutritious, extremely beneficial fruit for health.
Vitamin c is found in very high quantity in guava. Which is very beneficial for our body. Vitamin C increases our body immunity. And protects us from diseases.
Guava contains beneficial dietry fiber which is very beneficial for our digestive system.
Apart from this, many vitamins and minerals are found in guava. Which is very beneficial for our health.
12. Indian Gooseberry
Hindi Name : Amla ( आंवला )
Scientific Name : Phyllanthus emblica
Indian Gooseberry ( Amla ) is considered a very nutritious fruit. It is also used as a medicine. Indian Gooseberry ( Amla ) is the main element of Chyawanpras.
Indian gooseberry contains a lot of vitamin c. Vitamin c is very beneficial for our body. Vitamin C increases the immunity power of our body.
13. Jack fruit
Hindi Name : Kathal ( कटहल )
Scientific Name : Artocarpus heterophyllus
Jack fruit is a very tasty, fragrant and nutritious fruit.
People love its sweet fragrance and taste.
Vitamin A is found in it. Which is very good for our eyes. Apart from this, there are many beneficial minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Which proves to be very beneficial for our health.
14. Kiwi fruit
Hindi Name : Kiwi Phal ( कीवी फल )
Scientific Name : Actinidia deliciosa
Many varieties of kiwi fruit are grown in many countries. China is its main producing country.
Kiwi fruit is a very nutritious fruit. It is also used as a medicine in China. It contains carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. Which proves very beneficial for our body.
15. Lychee
Hindi Name : Lichi ( लीची )
Scientific Name : Litchi chinensis
Lychee is a very aromatic and delicious fruit. It is well liked by the people. Many nutritious ingredients are found in it, which are beneficial for the health of our body.
Carbohydrate, vitamins, and minerals are found in it. Which are beneficial for our health.
16. Mango
Hindi Name : Aam ( आम )
Scientific Name : Mangifera indica
Mango is a very tasty, aromatic and nutritious fruit. Many varieties of mangoes are grown in India and other countries. It is very much liked by the people, because its taste, fragrance is very good. Also, many nutritious ingredients are found in it, which are very beneficial for our health.
India is the largest producer of mangoes.
17. Orange
Hindi Name : Santra ( संतरा )
Scientific Name : Citrus × sinensis
Orange is also a very popular fruit. Many varieties of it are grown in many countries.
A lot of vitamin C is found in oranges. Which is very beneficial for our health. Apart from this, other vitamins, and many beneficial minerals are found in it.
Vitamin C increases the immunity of our body, which gives us the strength to fight against diseases. And our body is protected from diseases.
18. Pineapple
Hindi Name : Ananas ( अनानास )
Scientific Name : Ananas comosus
Pineapple is also a very tasty and nutritious fruit. Many varieties of it are grown in many countries.
Dietary fiber is found in it, which is very useful for the digestive system of our body.
A lot of vitamin c is found in pineapple. Which increases the immunity of our body.
19. Strawberry
Hindi Name : Strawberry ( स्ट्रॉबेरी )
Scientific Name : Fragaria × ananassa
Strawberry is a very popular fruit. It is cultivated in many countries of the world. It is very much liked by the people. People like its color, fragrance and taste.
Carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals are found in it, which are very beneficial for us.
20. Watermelon
Hindi Name : Tarbooj ( तरबूज )
Scientific Name : Citrullus lanatus
Watermelon is a very beneficial fruit. Many varieties of it are grown in many countries. China is its largest producer.
A lot of water is found in it. Which in summer is very beneficial for our body.
Watermelon is a good source of lycopene. Which is very good for the health of our body.
Apart from this, many beneficial vitamins and minerals are found in watermelon.
20 Fruits Name in English
In the above paragraph, we have already known the names of 20 fruits in Hindi and English. Nevertheless, for your convenience, the names of 20 fruits are being given in English. The names of these 20 fruits will prove to be very important for the students.
So let’s start and know 20 fruits name in English…….
1. Apple
2. Apricot
3. Banana
4. Jambolan
5. Cherry
6. Coconut
7. Custard Apple
8. Dates
9. Fig
10. Grapes
11. Guava
12. Indian Gooseberry
13. Jack Fruit
14. Kiwi Fruit
15. Lychee
16. Mango
17. Orange
18. Pineapple
19. Strawberry
20. Watermelon
20 Fruits Name in Hindi
Below is the list of 20 fruits names in Hindi. Which will be very beneficial for the students.
20 फलों के नाम हिंदी में ( 20 Fruits Name in Hindi )
1.सेब ( Seb )
2. खुबानी ( Khubani )
3. केला ( Kela )
4. जामुन ( Jamun )
5. चेरी ( Cherry )
6. नारियल ( Naariyal )
7. शरीफा ( Sharifa )
8. खजूर ( Khajoor )
9. अंजीर ( Anjeer )
10. अंगूर ( Angoor )
11. अमरुद ( Amrud )
12. आंवला ( Amla )
13. कटहल ( Kathal )
14. कीवी ( Kiwi )
15. लीची ( Lichi )
16. आम ( Aam )
17. संतरा ( Santra )
18. अनानास ( Ananas )
19. स्ट्रॉबेरी ( Strawberry )
20. तरबूज ( Tarbooj )