Ten ( 10 )Fruits Name in Hindi and English with Their Scientific Name

This post contains Ten ( 10 ) Fruits Name in Hindi and English with image.

It is only after hearing the name of the fruit that the image of a delicious, aromatic food comes to our mind.

Fruit is a delicious and nutritious food item. Its specialty is that it is very nutritious and health enhancer in addition to being delicious and aromatic in food.

Ten ( 10 )Fruits Name in Hindi and English

First we will know the names of ten fruits in Hindi and English, after that we will discuss the importance of fruits. So let’s start.

Read : All The Fruits Name with Picture, A to Z Fruits Names

Ten ( 10 ) Fruits Name in Hindi and English with Image

1. MANGO : Aam ( आम )


2. GRAPES : Angur (अंगूर )


3. APPLE : Seb ( सेब )

Apple Fruits

4. BANANA : Kela ( केला )

Banana fruits

5. ORANGE : Santra ( संतरा )


6. GUAVA : Amrud ( अमरुद )


7. POMEGRANATE : Anar ( अनार )

Pomegranate fruits

8. CHERRY : Cherry, Chairi ( चेरी )


9. PINEAPPLE : Ananas ( अनानास )

Pineapple fruits

10. PEAR : Nashpati ( नाशपाती )

Pear fruits

Read : Dry Fruits Name in English and Hindi with Image, PDF, Video

Fruits Name, Their Scientifc Name and Importance

1. MANGO : Aam ( आम )

Mango is a very tasty and nutritious fruit. Its scientific name is : Mangifera indica.

India is a major producer of mangoes. Many varieties of mangoes are found in many countries.

Mango can be eaten in many ways. It is also eaten raw. Also, its chutney, juice, jam, pickle etc. are also eaten.

Mango is a nutritious fruit. It is very beneficial for our health. Many nutrients are found in mangoes. Such as carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. It also provides energy to the body.
Those with diabetes should use it only with the advice of a doctor as it also contains sugar.

2. GRAPES : Angur (अंगूर )

Grapes are also a tasty and nutritious fruit. Children like it a lot. Also, people of all ages like it a lot because it tastes very good.

Scientific Name of Grapes : Vitis vinifera

There are many nutritious substances present in Grapes. It also provides energy to our body. Many vitamins are found in it, such as vitamin c, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, vitamin E and vitamin K.

3. APPLE : Seb ( सेब )

Apple is also a fairly nutritious fruit. Many of its varieties are grown in many countries.

Scientific Name of Apple : Malus domestica

Apples are considered a health enhancing fruit. Because it contains many nutrients useful for the health of the body.

In it, carbohydrate, protien, vitamins and mineral are found in balanced amounts. Which proves very useful for our body.

4. BANANA : Kela ( केला )

Banana is considered a fairly important fruit. Banana is cultivated in about 135 countries of the world.

Scientific Name of Banana : Musa acuminata

Banana is eaten in raw form as a vegetable. And is eaten as a fruit in ripe form.

Consuming ripe bananas provides instant energy to our body.

A 100 gram banana has an energy value of about 89 kcal.

Banana is a good source of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and minerals. It is a very important food item for the growth and development of our body.

5. Orange : Santra ( संतरा )

Orange is also considered a very healthy fruit. A lot of vitamin C is found in oranges. It is very beneficial for our health.

Scientific Name of Orange : Citrus sinensis

Many varieties of oranges are grown in many countries. Many vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body are found in oranges.

6. GUAVA : Amrud ( अमरुद )

Guava is also considered to be a very nutritious fruit. Many varieties of guava are grown in the world.

Scientific Name of Guava : Psidium guajava

Guava contains health-beneficial nutrients such as carbohydrate, protein, vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, vitamin C and vitamin K.

Apart from this, many minerals are also found in Guava, which prove to be very beneficial for our health.

7. POMEGRANATE : Anar ( अनार )

Pomegranate is a very tasty and nutritious fruit. People find it very tasty. Along with the taste, many nutritious ingredients are found in it. Which prove to be very beneficial for our health.

Scientific Name of Pomegranate : Punica granatum

Many nutritious elements such as carbohydrate, protein, vitamins and mineral are found in pomegranate.

8. CHERRY : Cherry, Chairi ( चेरी )

Cherry is very much liked due to its beautiful color, taste and nutritious ingredients.

Scientific Name of Cherry : Prunus avium

Many varieties of cherries are grown in different parts of the world.

Cherry is also a good source of our body’s energy. About 50 kcal energy is available in 100 grams of cherries.

Cherry is also a good source of carbohydrate, protein, many vitamins and minerals. Its intake gives us good health.

9. PINEAPPLE : Ananas ( अनानास )

Pineapple is considered a very nutritious fruit. Its consumption proves very beneficial for physical wellness.

Scientific Name of Pineapple : Ananas comosus

About 5 varieties of pineapple are found. Pineapple is a good source of energy. Its intake provides energy to our body.

Dietary fiber is found in pineapple. Which proves to be very beneficial for our digestive system.

Pineapple contains iron and folate. Which helps in the formation of blood. Its intake is very beneficial in anaemia.

Apart from this, pineapple is also a good source of vitamin C. The body’s immunity increases with its consumption.

10. PEAR : Nashpati ( नाशपाती )

Pear is also considered a very good fruit. It is a very beneficial fruit for our health.

Scientific Name of Pear : Pyrus pyrifolia

About 3000 varieties of pears are grown in different parts of the world.

Many vitamins and minerals are found in pears, which are very beneficial for our body.

Read more about Pear from Wikipedia.

List of Ten Fruits Name in Hindi

1. Aam ( आम )

2. Angur (अंगूर )

3. Seb ( सेब )

4. Kela ( केला )

5. Santra ( संतरा )

6. Amrud ( अमरुद )

7. Anar ( अनार )

8. Cherry ( चेरी )

9. Ananas ( अनानास )

10. Nashpati ( नाशपाती )

List of Ten Fruits Name in English










10. PEAR

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