121 Best Mother Teresa Quotes about Love and Life

Mother Teresa Quotes is a source of inspiration for all of us. Mother Teresa Quotes on Love, life, family, smile, prayer, kindness and charity is very important for us.

She devoted his entire life to serving the poor and helpless people. She was also awarded the Nobel Prize for his service to humanity.

We have selected some important quotes of Mother Teresa for you. By reading these quotes, you will get the motivation to do good in life.

Mother Teresa Quotes Video

Best Mother Teresa Quotes


Best Mother Teresa Quotes
Best Mother Teresa Quotes

“A Life Not lived for others is not a Life.”Mother Teresa best quotes


Best Quotes

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa Best Quotes
Mother Teresa Best Quotes

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”Mother Teresa


“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not yet come. We only have today. Let us begin.”Mother Teresa


“No color, no religion, no nationality should come between us, we are all children of God.”Mother Teresa


Best Quotes

“To work without love is slavery.”Mother Teresa


“Let us all smile at each other for a smile is the beginning of love.”Mother Teresa


“I don’t do great things. I do small things with great love.”Mother Teresa


Best Mother Teresa Quotes

“If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive.”Mother Teresa


“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it, Life is beauty, admire it, Life is a dream, realize it.”Mother Teresa


“We do not need guns and bombs to bring peace, we need love and compassion.”Mother Teresa


“Joy is prayer, joy is strength, joy is love, joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.”Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa Quotes on Love


Mother Teresa Quotes on Love
Mother Teresa Quotes on Love

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”Mother Teresa quotes on love


“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”Mother Teresa


“Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.”Mother Teresa


Quotes on Love

“Good works are links that form a chain of love.”Mother Teresa


“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.”Mother Teresa


“I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I don’t know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will not ask, ‘How many good things have you done in your life?’ Rather he will ask, ‘How much love did you put into what you did?’ ”Mother Teresa


“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”Mother Teresa


“I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn’t touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God.”Mother Teresa


“If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.”Mother Teresa


“Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired.”Mother Teresa

Quotes on Family


Mother Teresa Quotes on Family
Mother Teresa Quotes on Family

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” ― Mother Teresa quotes on family


“In this life, we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”Mother Teresa


“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”Mother Teresa


“The openness of our hearts and minds can be measured by how wide we draw the circle of what we call family.”Mother Teresa


Quotes on Family

“We cannot give what we have not got.”Mother Teresa


“True love is love that causes us pain, that hurts, and yet brings us joy. That is why we must pray to God and ask Him to give us the courage to love.”Mother Teresa


“A way of satisfying our brethren s’ hunger is to share with them whatever we have – to share with them until we ourselves feel what they feel.”Mother Teresa


“Poverty was not created by God. It is we who have caused it, you and I through our egotism.”Mother Teresa


Best Mother Teresa Quotes

“Together we can do great things.”Mother Teresa


“If we worry too much about ourselves, we won’t have time for others”Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa Quotes on Smile


“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Mother Teresa quotes on smile


“Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.” Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa Quotes on Smile
Mother Teresa Quotes on Smile

“Peace begins with a smile.”Mother Teresa


“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”Mother Teresa

Quotes on Life


“At the moment of death we will not be judged according to the number of good deeds we have done or by the diplomas we have received in our lifetime. We will be judged according to the love we have put into our work.”Mother Teresa


“In this life, we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa Quotes on Life

“A Life Not lived for others is not a Life.” Mother Teresa


“Our life of poverty is as necessary as the work itself. Only in heaven will we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better because of them.” Mother Teresa


“Please choose the way of peace. In the short term there may be winners and losers in this war that we all dread. But that never can, or never will justify the suffering, pain and loss of life your weapons will cause.” Mother Teresa


“Profound joy of the heart is like a magnet that indicates the path of life.”Mother Teresa


Quotes on Life

“Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it.”Mother Teresa


“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it, Life is beauty, admire it, Life is a dream, realize it.”Mother Teresa


“Spread the love of God through your life but only use words when necessary.”Mother Teresa


“Some people come in our life as blessings. Some come in your life as lessons.” Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa Quotes on Life

“Life is a challenge, we must take it.” Mother Teresa


“Profound joy of the heart is like a magnet that indicates the path of life.”Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa Quotes on Charity


Mother Teresa Quotes on Charity

“I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness.”Mother Teresa


“I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn’t touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God.”Mother Teresa quotes on charity


Mother Teresa Quotes on Charity
Mother Teresa Quotes on Charity

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Mother Teresa


“It is easy to love the people far away, It is not always easy to love those close to us, It is easier to give a cup of rice to relieve hunger than to relieve the loneliness and pain of someone unloved in our own home. Bring love into your home for this is where our love for each other must start.”Mother Teresa


“I try to give to the poor people for love what the rich could get for money. No, I wouldn’t touch a leper for a thousand pounds; yet I willingly cure him for the love of God.”Mother Teresa


“Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.”Mother Teresa


“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”Mother Teresa


Best Quotes

“Do ordinary things with extraordinary love.” Mother Teresa


“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”Mother Teresa


“A life not lived for others is not a life.”Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa Motivational Quotes


“The fruit of faith is love,and the fruit of love is service…spread love everywhere you go.”Mother Teresa


“Do not allow yourselves to be disheartened by any failure as long as you have done your best.”Mother Teresa


“There are no great things, only small things with great love. Happy are those.”Mother Teresa


“Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace.”Mother Teresa


Best Quotes

“God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful.”Mother Teresa


“Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier.”Mother Teresa


“There is thing you can do but I can not and there is thing I can but you can not; so let us make something beautiful for God.”Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa Motivational Quotes

“A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.”Mother Teresa


“If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are.”Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa motivational quotes
Mother Teresa Motivational Quotes

“If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.”Mother Teresa motivational quotes


“There are many people who can do big things, but there are very few people who will do the small things.” Mother Teresa


Motivational Quotes

“I don’t do great things. I do small things with great love.”Mother Teresa

Quotes on Prayer


“It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with himself.”Mother Teresa


Mother Teresa quotes on prayer
Mother Teresa quotes on prayer

“Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.”Mother Teresa quotes on prayer


“Joy is prayer – joy is strength – joy is love – joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.” Mother Teresa


“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world. ”Mother Teresa


“I know God won’t give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish he didn’t trust me so much.” Mother Teresa


“God doesn’t require us to succeed; he only requires that you try.”Mother Teresa


“I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I don’t know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will NOT ask, ‘How many good things have you done in your life?’ Rather he will ask, ‘How much LOVE did you put into what you did?’”Mother Teresa


“Our life of poverty is as necessary as the work itself. Only in heaven will we see how much we owe to the poor for helping us to love God better because of them.”Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa Quotes on Kindness


Mother Teresa quotes on kindness
Mother Teresa quotes on kindness

“I prefer you to make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness.”Mother Teresa quotes on kindness


“Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace.”Mother Teresa


Quotes on Kindness

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”Mother Teresa


“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”Mother Teresa


“Be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.”Mother Teresa


“Speak tenderly; let there be kindness in your face, in your eyes, in your smile, in the warmth of your greeting. Always have a cheerful smile. Don’t only give your care, but give your heart as well.”Mother Teresa


“And so let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love, and once we begin to love each other naturally we want to do something.”Mother Teresa

Other Mother Teresa Quotes


“Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; give the world the best you’ve got anyway.”Mother Teresa


“We need to realize that poverty doesn’t only consist of being hungry for bread, but rather it is a tremendous hunger for human dignity. We need to love and to be someone for someone else.”Mother Teresa


“Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without being tired.”Mother Teresa


“If we are humble, nothing will change us, neither praise, nor discouragement.”Mother Teresa


“We are not called to be successful, but faithful.”Mother Teresa


“One of the realities we’re all called to go through is to move from repulsion to compassion and from compassion to wonderment.”Mother Teresa


“The greatest mistake is to think you are too strong to fall into temptation. Put your finger in the fire and it will burn. So we have to go through the fire.”Mother Teresa


“I go of my free choice, with the blessing of obedience.” Mother Teresa


“The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”Mother Teresa


“Sometimes a good feeling from inside is worth much more than a beautician.”Mother Teresa


“There is a light in this world, a healing spirit more powerful than any darkness we may encounter.”Mother Teresa

Beautiful Quotes


Best Quotes of Mother Teresa

“The fruit of love is service, which is compassion in action.”Mother Teresa


“If you are discouraged, it is a sign of pride because it shows you trust in your own powers.”Mother Teresa


“Keep the corners of your mouth turned up. Speak in a low, persuasive tone. Listen; be teachable. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them…For as long as you are green, you can grow.”Mother Teresa


“How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers.” Mother Teresa


“If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.”Mother Teresa


“I want you to be concerned about your next-door neighbor. Do you know your next-door neighbor?”Mother Teresa


“‎Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”Mother Teresa


Beautiful Quotes

“Jesus said love one another. He didn’t say love the whole world.” Mother Teresa


“It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish.”Mother Teresa


“Spread the love of God through your life but only use words when necessary.”Mother Teresa


“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”Mother Teresa


“I prefer you to make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness.”Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa Quotes on Happiness


Mother Teresa Quotes on Happiness
Mother Teresa Quotes on Happiness

“Profound joy of the heart is like a magnet that indicates the path of life.”Mother Teresa


“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” Mother Teresa


“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”Mother Teresa


“Peace begins with a smile.”Mother Teresa


“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” Mother Teresa


“There are no great things, only small things with great love. Happy are those.”Mother Teresa


“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” Mother Teresa


“If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.”Mother Teresa


“If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive.”Mother Teresa


“It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself.”Mother Teresa


“Live simply so others may simply live.” Mother Teresa


“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” Mother Teresa


“Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace of the world.” Mother Teresa

List of some famous Mother Teresa Quotes

  1. “Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.”
  2. “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”
  3. “God doesn’t require us to succeed; he only requires that you try.”
  4. “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”
  5. “Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”
  6. “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
  7. “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”
  8. “Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.”
  9. “Good works are links that form a chain of love.”
  10. “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”


What is the most famous quotes of Mother Teresa?

1. “Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”
2. “Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work.”
3.“There is more hunger in the world for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.”What is the best Mother Teresa quotes on Love?

“Love begins by taking care of the closest ones – the ones at home.”

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